Sunday, October 23, 2011

Return to Seed.

Watching Gundam Seed Destiny for what is probably the 3rd time, and only now do I realise that only at the end of episode 45 does the Archangel fly with a full crew. Can't imagine how much power it would have had as the flagship of a full space fleet with 4 specialist mobile suits, 2 support aircraft, as well as 1 squadron each of Murasames and M1-Astrays.

In contrast the Minerva that did serve as fleet command never did appear anywhere near as impressive even when mostly served by a full staff and 5 ZAFT Reds. Even the Takemikazuchi had more presence in the few short episodes it was in.

It's kinda sad to realise that all I can think of in watching old anime again is how useful the content would be to elaborate on Social Studies topics.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


There's just something magical about looking down from a height across the green with the wind blowing in your face and the sun plays through the clouds while listening to the Lion King OST.

It's like being on Pride Rock until i look left or right to remember this is just NIE block 3, level 2. Meh.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

The driving rains falling from a grey sky match so perfectly the melancholic minors of a song that runs through my skull. So dark, so ominous; oppressively enrapturous.

Oh, the dangers of decontextualisation. As emo as it all sounds, I'm just walking out on a wet evening listening to the Gundam SEED OST, parts of which are admittedly depressing. The comfort in all this is that my IEMs are decent enough to provide this isolation and immersion in the music so I'm at least halfway sure the feelings aren't truly my own.

It's an experience though, listening to music out in weather I wouldn't dare expose my 840s to. The cumulative mood just fires the imagination; images of speeding over the waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria towards some deadly mission for which one has neither passion nor confidence to see through. The flashes of lightning and sleet running off the armour plating of the mobile suit somehow brings a cold into your bones even strapped tightly into the warm recesses of a cramped cockpit. Some days you don't even know why you wear the ZAFT Reds and the FAITH pin means nothing.

Ah the subtle manipulations of music... Or I'm crazy.